Category: Maui Electric

Maui Solar Projects Types
By: Pacific Energy

Maui Solar Projects Types

Maui solar projects are some of the best solar projects on Hawaii. These solar energy...

Why Solar Panels for Electricity On Maui Is the Best Option
By: Pacific Energy

Why Solar Panels for Electricity On Maui Is the Best Option

Using solar panels for electricity on Maui is the most cost effective and environmentally-friendly power...

New Renewable Energy Projects for Hawaii
By: Pacific Energy

New Renewable Energy Projects for Hawaii

On Feb 27, 2018 the Hawaiian Electric company formally announced its search for new grid-scaled...

Grid Modernization Inevitable for Hawaii
By: Pacific Energy

Grid Modernization Inevitable for Hawaii

As more and more Hawaii residents use photovoltaics and new renewable energy sources to power...

Solar Energy Use on the Rise
By: Pacific Energy

Solar Energy Use on the Rise

California Independent System Operator reported that between the hours of 11 am and 2 pm, solar...

Solar Energy Options from Maui Electric
By: Daryl Hansen

Solar Energy Options from Maui Electric

“Solar energy is a clean and renewable resource that can be used to … produce...